Not sure what/whom exactly you're looking for?
Shoot me an email and ask for my free, one-hour initial consultation (audio or video), including feedback on your sample pages.
It's a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and see if we are a good match, as well as a chance for you to gain awareness of how to capitalize on the strengths of your work and address its challenges.
Please email me your inquiry, along with sample pages of your book (see below for details).
In your email (subject line: "Initial Consultation"), a few lines about the following will be helpful:
- How would you describe your work to a potential reader?
- Who is your ideal readership?
- What is the stage of completion? For example, have you written part or all of your book? Is it a first draft, advanced draft, somewhere in the middle?
- What are you looking for in an editor? In-depth feedback on characters and story, coaching in technique, line-editing, encouragement, something else, all of the above?
- Is this your first book?
- If not, what else have you written?
- Have you published any of your work?
- Are you interested in traditional publishing, or are you looking to independently publish?
- What is the title of your book?
- Tell me anything else you'd like me to know about you and your project.
Typically, if your novel or memoir manuscript is 30,000 words or more, I'll ask for your first ten double-spaced pages.
However, if your book is a memoir or other nonfiction and you have also written a full or partial book proposal, I'll ask for:
- the first five double-spaced pages of your memoir (or the first five-double-spaced pages of your book proposal sample chapter),
- plus the first three double-spaced pages of your book proposal.
If your manuscript is less than 30,000 words, or if you are looking for copywriting or ghostwriting services, I'll ask for details of your project and ask for material based on the information you give me.
In any case, please send me your pages in Word, double-spaced and page-numbered.
Looking forward to hearing from you!